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English Language Learners Committee (ELAC)


What is the English Language Learners Committee?

California Education Code, sections 35147, 52176(b) and (c), 62002.5, and 64001(a)

California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 11308


A school-level committee, composed of parents, staff, and community members, with the specific purpose of providing valuable guidance to school officials regarding English learner programs and services.


Why serve on the English Language Learners Committee?

Serving on an English Language Learners (ELL) committee can be a rewarding experience for various reasons. Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

·         Promote Inclusivity: By joining an ELL committee, you contribute to creating an inclusive environment that values linguistic diversity.

·         Enhance Language Programs: Your input can be valuable in improving language instruction and support services for English language learners.

  • Impact on Student Success: Your efforts on an ELL committee can directly impact the academic success of English language learners.


How can parents get involved?

•  Check with your school site for English Language Learners meetings dates.

•  Attend the meetings.